In this course, you will learn about a high school English placement exam in a major province of Canada and will take a shortened version of the exam.
Canadian students are not required to write exams to enter high school. However, tests in some provinces help determine whether students should take academic (university preparation) English courses in high school or vocational (college or work preparation) English courses.
このアセスメントは、カナダの主な州で実施されているPlacement Test(クラス分けのための実力試験)の短縮バージョンです。 Grade 9 English Language Arts Provincial Achievement Test が実際にカナダで実施されている名前です。
カナダのGrade10~12では 、大学進学者とそうでない生徒とが別レベルコースで学びます(主要科目、特にEnglish10,11,12について)。そのためGrade9生が自分の実力を把握し、無理のないレベルのGrade10~12 教育を選ぶことが出来るよう作られたテストです。
Students who score:
- 80% or higher are encouraged to take university preparation English in high school.
- less than 80% are encouraged to take vocational English courses.
International students who score:
- higher than 50% but less than 80% are often placed in vocational preparation courses, not university preparation courses.
- less than 50% may be placed in ELL (English Language Learner) courses or in lower junior high school grades.
This test will help you understand your level of preparation for high school in Canada.
Once you have finished the writing section of the exam, we will mark it and email you feedback on your work.
The reading section of the exam is automatically graded upon completion.
Writing Sectionはテスト終了後、成績及びFeedbackはメールにて通知します。
Reading Sectionのテストは終了後自動的にスコアがサイト上に提示されます。
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